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You came, you saw, you gave… and we’re grateful!

Word-of-mouth is one surefire way of sharing the Good Work Foundation magic, but everyone who’s visited one of our digital learning campuses will agree: you have to see what we do to appreciate it fully!

That’s why we thought taking our partners, friends and the extended GWF family on a whirlwind virtual tour of our six campuses would not only be fun, but also informative – and would connect back into the GWF magic.

The aim was to allow everyone to meet and hear from our amazing GWF staff, students, learners and the communities we work in. We wanted you to witness first-hand what we do, even if you aren’t able to physically visit us in Mpumalanga or the Free State.

We chose Giving Tuesday – the Tuesday after Thanksgiving – on 28 November to host our virtual tour, to coincide with this global day of philanthropic giving. It was our way of saying thank you to our partners and donors who make our wonder-filled learning model possible. 

The theme for the campus tour? Your goodwill allows for our good work.

GWF goodwilallowsgoodwork

Ably hosted by our Head of Operations, Musa Mokoena, the virtual tour whisked us from the Free State to Mpumalanga as we zoomed in to meet our campus managers and our CEO, Kate Groch, hearing their insights and gaining a sense of each campus’s energy.

We saw school children playing Maths Bingo on tablets at our Philippolis Digital Learning Campus in the Karoo before whizzing off to visit our five Mpumalanga campuses. At our Justicia Digital Learning Campus, a teacher from the local high school explained how his learners and students benefit from GWF’s supplementary education offering.

We then met Bridging Year Academy students at Dumphries; experienced coding at Lillydale while meeting robots Dot and Dash; and saw how learners at our Open Learning Academy revelled in wonder-filled learning on our Huntington Digital Learning Campus.

We ended our tour at our largest campus – the Hazyview Digital Learning Campus – where we were inspired by the work of art that is our giant digital tree of knowledge. We saw first-hand our impact on adult learners by chatting with hospitality, facilitator, conservation and IT students at the campus’s coffee bar.

Thank you to the dozens of friends and partners who joined us for our whistle-stop virtual tour. We hope it gave you an insightful glimpse into how we are harnessing the potential of young rural people by providing equitable access to world-class digital education. We were thrilled to be able to show our global GWF family just how they are thriving!

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