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Coding up a storm for Nelson Mandela Day 2023!

GWF students use coding to protect the rhino

Tata Madiba was passionate about education and progress, so what better way to spend Nelson Mandela Day on 18 July 2023 than by putting young minds to the test with a coding competition?

On all of our campuses, we use Tangible Africa’s Tanks, Boats and Rangers mobile games that introduce learners to coding concepts without the need for computers, while encouraging skills such as groupwork, strategy, communication and problem-solving.

During the #Coding4Mandela activity, competition participants used the Rangers app, making use of tablets and game tokens in an attempt to “save the rhino” from poachers. The teams enjoyed this fun and stimulating activity, with such an important conservation message behind it!

Across all campuses, GWF had 55 teams competing in the tournament, with 212 staff and students joining in the fun. The winning team of four was identified at each campus, after completing the highest level in the app within a time frame of 30 minutes.

GWF students use coding to protect the rhino2
GWF students use coding to protect the rhino1

Some campuses held a "play-off" second round lasting 15 minutes, and the highest level achieved by a team at our Huntington campus was Level 29! Well done to all the teams who participated – the collaboration, teamwork, thinking and problem-solving that was evident throughout the tournament were nothing short of wonderful.

Thank you to all of our partners, students and staff members for making this team activity so enjoyable, while creating awareness of the joy and fun that coding brings!

GWF students use coding to protect the rhino4
GWF students use coding to protect the rhino3

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